I have been using Cixwin (which uses Cygwin) to allow me to access xterm to my Vagrant virtual machine. Everything has been working fine. The challenge I was having was to cut and paste from Windows to my xterm. I tried searching Google many times for the answer. This time I figured it out, so I want to share it…
To copy from Windows to xterm window:
(1) Select the text in the Windows window
(2) Use the copy command (e.g., Cntl-C)
(3) click on the xterm window (paste will occur at current cursor location in the xterm window)
(4) Use the Cygwin paste command (Shift-Insert)
To copy from xterm window to Windows:
(1) Select the text in the xterm window [Just selecting the text actually does the copy command, by the way]
(2) Click on the Windows window where you will be pasting your text
(3) Place your cursor where you want your paste to occur
(4) Use the paste command (e.g., Cntl-V)
This saves much typing and copy errors. Hope it helped you, too!